What to do with yourself when you’re away from church and off on holiday? Visit a cathedral of course! For the heady price of €1 at Ibiza Cathedral you can see the nice things they stash out the back.

The most interesting thing was a set of paintings showing some interesting medieval folk law intertwined with biblical imagery to produce an epic 70’s album cover!

Here is the whole work.


Look at the fabulous faces within it.


The main protagonist.


The scenes of torture at the back.


The pained expressions of the damned.


Wait. What have we here?


I wonder what this filthy heretic has done or said? Who has he offended?

I love the way in which real people are often painted into ancient scenes. I wonder who this guy was and who he offended.

Now I want to go and listen to some 70’s vinyl. Perhaps some Saxon or some Priest!