Category: Church

RIP Desmond Tutu

At the Community of the Resurrection

RIP Archbishop Desmond Tutu. A genuine modern legend who truly had an impact upon the world and brought about change for the better. Someone who gave gave us a glimpse of the Kingdom of God, a hope of a world in which people are created equal and not trapped by the structures society places them into.

When I met Desmond Tutu, I had been ordained about five minutes. I was a young guy with long hair who spent most of his life answering the question “are you really a vicar?” On the day of my ordination I wasn’t even sure my own bishop thought I was suitable. I imagined him going along the line, putting his hands on the other candidates heads, getting to me and skipping me in the line.

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We Thank Thee Lord | a Harvest Hymn to Last of the Summer Wine

Ruth and I have been writing lots of new songs this summer. Yesterday she said “this tune reminds me of something”. When I pointed out what it reminded me of, we fell down a rabbit hole setting Last of the Summer Wine as a hymn tune. The best we came up with was a harvest hymn we found on the internet but we can’t find an author for it.

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#OFMOnline2021 | Metanoia @ Benediction

In the last year, Ruth and I have been providing music for Holy Nativity’s online services but there has been little in the way of “live” music. For last night’s Benediction at On Fire, we were able to do something together as Metanoia for a couple of songs. The rest are me and Ruth playing together. Check it out and see what you think.