My website disappeared at the beginning of December. You probably didn’t notice. It broke.
I am incredibly grateful to Fr Simon for getting everything back online. Rebuilding has been quite an in-depth process. I hope that I have managed to bring order to the chaos that comes from having a website that began it’s life on Myspace over fifteen years ago. Since then, I’ve migrated to WordPress, which then became “changingworship dot com” and then eventually, robbsutherland.com.
Done is better than perfect | Something I am going to try to live by.
I have taken the opportunity to go through all of the posts on the site and sort them for navigation. I’m not sure I’ve got it completely right, but as you can see, there is now a menu structure. It will no doubt evolve over time. I also deleted hundreds of posts and pages that were out of date, irrelevant or linked to something that no longer exists.
Ruth and I have talked a lot about how to move forward with our creativity and our content. You will have noticed that we have started to released some content for streaming. We are hoping that in the future we can also share many more of our resources with everyone. We have a huge back catalogue of music and content that we have created that we’ve not found the time to share. We’re going to be better.